Saturday, July 16, 2016

Hallowed Ground

Hallowed ground 
on a busy street.
A lifeless body covered
in a golden sheet.

I saw your picture,
I cried to heaven.
A great struggle took place in my heart.
On one side rage
the other side peace
and they fought all night 
like ravenous beasts.

When the morning came 
I felt the calm.
Peace had prevailed
the battle was won.

I know the cold ground is undeserving of you.
I know your family is struggling without you.
I know that I ran to hug my own child.
I know I did not let go for a long while.

But death, there is no death,
just a changing of worlds.
and you will sail on
your flag unfurled.

As for us, 
who on earth still remain
we will raise your sacred flag.
And in so doing, 
we will call all to overcome
bitterness and strife
with goodness and light.
And we will not stop
until your battle is won.

Hollowed ground,
on a busy street.
We wait for you, 
an eye on the East.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father,

I see the anger,
flowing tears.
The furrowed brow,
I smell the fear.
The air is rank
with lies.
The night echoes
with cries.

I look around
it has no end.
This pain has been
long as the world has been.

The truth is not shrouded 
in mystery,
as a faceless mother
The truth is waiting
in a dark place 
void of light.
But to wield the torch
will take great might.

Might of mind.
Might of heart.
Might of spirit.
Might of love.
Might to call 
upon the powers 

I know there is one
whom we have forgotten, 
the One who is named
the Only Begotten.
We have shunned him 
from our lives.
And now we cry
in the absence of light.

We are all one in him.
He sees no color of skin.
He has known us from
before the world was,
and he will save us in the end.
Through him 
weak things are made strong,
our souls refined. 
And with our new might,
we can take this world 
from darkness to light.

